Back to Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever! with Clint Ober

Welcome to the 13th episode of the Back to Human podcast.

On this episode Clint Ober joins me to discuss my favorite health hack ever, earthing, or as some may call it, grounding. Clint is the CEO of Earth FX Inc., a research and development company and also the author of, “Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever!”.

On this episode we discuss:

• Clint’s background with electrical grounding and how he discovered the healing properties of the Earth.

• What is grounding?

• How footwear has literally disconnected us from the Earth.

• Humans are electrical beings.

• We have one disease: inflammation!

• Does grounding protect us from EMFs?

• How grounding improves our circulation.

• Sleeping on earthing mats.

• Initial toxic die-off that you may experience when you start grounding.

• Are there any contraindications for grounding? What effect does this have on medications?

Below are some additional resources if you are interested in learning more about earthing/grounding:


• “Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever!” by Clint Ober







Episode 13 James A.: [00:00:00] Hi, my name is James Andriella, and you are listening to the Back to Human Podcast. I'm very excited about today's episode. It may actually be my favorite subject because it has completely transformed my life, and it is something that is readily available to everyone at very little to no cost at all. Out of all the biohacking tools that I've used, the number one thing that I would recommend to absolutely everyone would be to get grounded. On the show with me today, I have the CE O of Earth Effects and also, uh, also the author of Earthing, the Most important Health Discovery Ever, which I completely agree with. If you have not read that book, I highly recommend that you add it to your library asap. And I would also suggest watching the Earthing movie. As I said before, this is something that has [00:01:00] truly changed not only my life, but my family's life as well. And I am more than positive that it will help you on your health journey. So without further ado, I would like to introduce Clint Ober. Clint, welcome to the show. Clint Ober: Thanks James. Thanks for having me. Course man. Thank, look forward to look forward to, uh, visiting and sharing and, um, Answering any questions you have? James A.: Any question? Yeah, I get pretty creative, so I don't know if you're, if you wanna take that back now. Clint Ober: Oh, no. James A.: So, uh, I've read, I've read your book and I have a little bit of a background or idea of your background, so, mm-hmm. Would you mind introducing the audience into how exactly you got, uh, associated with grounding? What was your introduction? Clint Ober: Well, um, grounding is, um, [00:02:00] it's a, it's a little bit of a story how it came about, but, but I spent, um, 30 years in the communications industry, uh, cable television, low power television, satellite, um, um, microwave, you know, anything but in that industry, everything. Has to be grounded to the earth in order to maintain electrical stability. And when I use that term, it means to, if there's any charge, you know, like static electricity in the environment or you know, wind is blowing on the lines and it'll create static voltages. And so, uh, by grounding the cable system or. Uh, to the earth. Then any noise that's on the line from the atmospheric electrical noise, then it automatically, instantly grounds it to earth. And so you don't see sparkles in your pictures. And so you have nice clean sound data, audio. And then, uh, when you [00:03:00] run any, anything into the home from an aerial, uh, system, whether it's telephone, cable, uh, cable television, whatever, you have to ground. That wire at the point where it enters the home means you have to cut the wire, tie it into a ground block, and then tie it to a ground rod, and then the center conductor of the cable can go on in, uh, in, in a jacket can go on into the, into the home. But the whole idea there is if there's any. Um, atmospheric energy, then it'll be grounded to the earth and it won't go into the home. Otherwise it can cause go on and blow up your TV center. Cause a fire, primarily fire is the biggest concern, uh, to prevent fire. And that's relevant to our conversation today. And, um, so, but anyhow, I have a, you know, working background. Uh, I fully, for 30 years, I. You second nature, [00:04:00] you ground everything. If there's noise grounded more, uh, more ground is the answer for everything, uh, electrical. And, uh, so anyhow, I spent, uh, you know, 30 some years in that industry and, and I retired when I was about 50. I'm now 78. I'll be 71 here shortly. And, um, so, um, anyhow, after, uh, After I retired, I, I, well, I, I had a, a medical event where I had, I went to get my, uh, some dental work done and they put in a root canal and I ended up getting an abscess into my liver of all things, you know, it's crazy. And, uh, anyhow, I, I kept going to the dock for about a month trying to figure out what it was. They couldn't figure out what it was. And, um, and I was in Denver, Colorado at the time and, uh, in the, in the cable television industry and, and, um, The, um, they, they, they just, every week [00:05:00] I would go for a new test. They wanted to get more tests cause they couldn't figure out what it was. And then about a month later I was getting really sick and I really couldn't function. So I ended up in the emergency room, Swedish Medical Center in Denver. And um, I was turning yellow and I lost my, you know, just everything. Nothing was working. I was really going downhill fast. And anyhow, so they put me in a CAT scan and, um, Uh, took a picture and, and, uh, they found out that I had a, an abscess in my liver, and then they cultured it, and then they asked, well, have you been bitten lately? Uh, and I said, no. And they said, have you had any dental work? And I said, yes, because the bacteria was related to, uh, bacteria you would have in the mouth, I guess. So anyhow, um, the next morning they came in and said, well, we have some good news and some bad news. The good news is we know what's the problem or we know what's causing the problem. And they had me on every I IV [00:06:00] known to man at that time. And, uh, they said, the bad news is your Liv is significantly damaged. And there's no guarantee how long, how much time you have left. You're young enough to get a new liver, but you may not have time. And I said, wow, that's really great news. You know, what am I supposed to do with that? I was 50 years old, king of the mountain, Denver, um, doing well in the cable industry, you know, life was good. I had mountains of, you know, everything you could, toys, everything you could think of. But anyhow, so, uh, that just kind of, um, you know, shocked me pretty good. So I ended up, Um, going home. They sent me home a couple days later and they said, go home, get your stuff together. And so I did A couple days later, uh, a young surgeon from Swedish. Medical called and said we'd like to do some experimental surgery. So they went in and cut out about five, six of my liver. I guess you got, you have like six little reci pockets your liver has had expanded [00:07:00] through over the, over, over time. And so, but then they saved the one that was connected to the main artery and, and then nursed me back to health. And it took me quite a while to be able to walk, you know, for a few. You know, just even a short period. Uh, but within 90 days I was, my liver grew back to its original size, which was not something they really knew. You know, how much they could, liver they could take out in, have it come back. And, um, so that was remarkable. And, and, um, I, I could, all kinds of stories went along with that. But anyhow, um, How I got my, uh, it took me about six months or so to walk a mile. And how I did that is I envisioned, there was this 7-Eleven store about a mile away, and they had hot coffee in those nice glazed donuts. And so my goal was, I had wanted to get to that [00:08:00] store so I could buy one. Within six months I was able to do that. I never, I wasn't able to walk back home that day. But anyhow, so it's, um, Uh, you know, it's funny what you can do when you put your mind to it, but, and, but anyhow, so during that process, um, how I got to grounding, uh, first of all, I have a, you know, a working knowledge of grounding. Everything in my world is about being grounded. Uh, the whole world now is grounding is a major thing, especially with all the communications and all of the electrical and everything that we have in our living environments. So it's important to, um, Um, maintain good ground. So, so the, uh, as I recovered from that event that, um, I, one day I was in my living room or in my bedroom and I just woke up and I looked outdoors and I saw that everything was a vibrant, you know, this. Blue [00:09:00] and the sky was more vibrant. The pine needles were, you know, they were like vibrating grain. And I mean, and I thought maybe I was hallucinating from one of the drugs or something. But anyhow, um, a little bit later then I realized that my, I, I had this kind of an epiphany where, you know, I had for years and years and years, I, I, I, I gathered stuff. I loved to collect art. Uh, I was a cowboy from Montana and I loved western art. And, um, and, and so I had a 5,000 square foot, two bedroom home. Um, in order to, to house this art and the other things that I had collected. But as I was laying there that morning, I, I realized that, you know, I almost died. Mm-hmm. And what would've happened to everything that I had collected in my life and all the wonderful things that I had done. And, um, uh, the, uh, so all of a [00:10:00] sudden I, I just kind of had this epiphany where I said, You know, I never owned any of this stuff. I, I said it owned me because I went and I bought it and I took it home and I housed it and I took care of it, and I did all these things. But, so all these things I ever purchased in my life, they owned me. They owned my soul because my whole life was about taking care of 'em and collecting more. Mm-hmm. And, but when you die, you, you come, comes through your mind, well, what would've happened happened to everything who I was, what? I've done nothing, you know? Uh, so I called my children. I said, I want you to come and take whatever in this house you guys would've taken had I died. And, um, And, um, if you don't, I'm gonna give it away, which I did. And so, and I left Evergreen in a small motor home, took two and a half suitcases of clothing. And to this day, I really, personally don't own much more than two and a half suitcases, uh, personal [00:11:00] belongings. Um, but, but anyhow, I just didn't, and I, and I developed an aversion to owning things and in that process, so I was going through this. You know, uh, and the reason I bought a motor home, cause I wanted to get back to nature. I wanted to get back to the earth. I wanted to get back to where I came from. I grew up as a cowboy in Montana. That's just a kid sitting on a horse riding the pasture, checking the cows out and make sure they're all okay. If they're not, get 'em out of the herd and find out what's going on in the passenger that made him sick. You know? So I also had developed, I, I had this background of prevention back in the. Early fifties when, you know, I was born in 44, but in the early fifties, you know, Everything was about prevention and app all the day. Keep the doctor away. You couldn't afford to go to the doctors. Yeah, you couldn't, you couldn't afford all this stuff. So, but anyhow, so health was something that we paid attention to, especially eating. But everything we, we grew, everything we ate [00:12:00] or we, we raised animals. We had gardens, we had everything. We canned things. So very seldom we'd go to the grocery store and get, you know, canned salmon or. Condensed milk or things that you needed for cooking. But by and large, most of our food was homegrown. And I just took that for granted. I didn't know any better. I mean, you know, I thought we were just poor and, uh, so anyhow, I, um, I have that prevention mindset. And it's from being around animals and taking care of animals. Cuz you wanna know if they're sick, what caused it. Cuz you gotta fix it immediately. Cuz if the hurt gets sick, you call the vet, you call the bank at the same time and throw 'em the keys cuz you're not gonna make any money. Uh, and so anyhow. So that's part of my nature, part of my background. And no matter what, even raising children when they would get sick, I said, what have you been doing? What did you do? [00:13:00] Something caused this. You don't just get sick. Cuz health is, health is natural. That's our most natural health is our most natural state. And uh, so anyhow, I had that. Working background and then I have the grounding. And then I had this period of a few years where I just sat and did nothing except kind of sit in nature, traveled from RV Park to uh, to, uh, you know, mostly national parks. Um, and, and go spend. Two weeks or a week, whatever they let you say, in each location and just traveled around the country, just kind of getting back in tune. And I was down in Key Largo, Florida on the Bayside. And, uh, so every night I had the RV was parked right up against the bay, so you could sit there and watch the sunset, sunset every night. Awesome. And, and then the manatees would come up and you'd get water and everything. So, But you're in the, in the keys. You're in nature, you are, you are in the water. You're, [00:14:00] you know, in the, in nature. And, um, so anyhow, one night I was there and I, I kind of had this feeling that I needed to do something, but I wasn't sure. But anyhow, that night I had this, uh, It came to my mind. I, I, and I wrote it down on a piece of paper. It said, become an opposite charge. And I didn't know where it came from. It just came out of the ether. Mm-hmm. And so I, that night I went in the, in the rv and I wrote it down on a piece of paper. I still have it all these years later, 25 years later. And, um, And then I also wrote down, um, status quo as the enemy. Had no idea what that meant. Uh, for me, become an opposite charge of me. Goes through, get 'em excited, get everybody moving, and, um, uh, become an opposite charge. I, I just didn't have an idea. Uh, so those were the. The spark. That was the spark. So anyhow, I had this urge. I had, I had to go back [00:15:00] west, so I packed everything up. Uh, drove up to Fort Lauderdale, see my daughter for a little bit, and then I headed west to LA and I'm a Montana person. So, but anyway, I went to LA and I decided I can't be here. There's too much craziness. So then I went to Tucson. I liked it there, but it wasn't right. Phoenix. And then I said no. So I remember I'd been through Flagstaff and it's kinda like Montana. It's snow and cold and ski hill and you know, kind of, uh, um, something I'm familiar with. I just wanted to be home for some reason. Um, so anyhow, I drove up, headed up there that night, and I had, uh, uh, On the way up, it was getting late and I was tired, and so I saw a little sign that said RV Park and had a name, Sedona, Arizona. So I said, what the heck? I'm just gonna go pull in there for the night and I'll go up to Flagstaff in the morning. Well, that night or that. So I just pulled in, [00:16:00] parked down by Chika Paki across smoke near Oak Creek, down on a really beautiful little spot, but I couldn't see it at night. But anyhow, I woke up in the morning, I opened the door and looked out there and I said, I'm not leaving here. This is like living in a national park. And so I spent two years there and while I was there, and this is what gets to the grounding, I mean, if you ask that question, I you, you kind of need to know how I came about. Yeah. So anyhow, so anyhow, I was sitting there and not a lot to do, but I knew a lot about art. And so I would spend time going out and seeing the galleries and, and down there the galleries, they, you have to have baseball caps in order to see the yard because they have so many light bulbs, you know, in the galleries. So anyhow, I, I knew a lot about lighting, but I didn't wanna say anything. But anyhow, I eventually, there was a, a famous artist coming to town. And I said, you've got to, I went to the gallery and I says, I can help here. I know. And I kind of told him my background. I said, [00:17:00] I can help, uh, but you need to have special lighting for this. And so there's like 12 pieces of art. And I said, and they had like, I. Three or 400 pieces of art in that whole gallery and three or 400 light bulbs. And I says, if you, if you trust me, just let me, I'll come in and I will make this show something that you'll always remember the rest of your life. And so, anyhow, they, she, the owner didn't want to do it. I mean, the, the lady didn't, but the, uh, husband finally said, well, let him try it. So they, they, they left. And I went in and I took down every light bulb in the building. I took down all the art, stacked it all the way. And then I, they brought in the art for the show, and so they bring in each piece and then I would light each piece individually. Mm-hmm. So that you couldn't see the source of the light. So when you walked in, all you saw was this painting. And it wasn't over lit or anything, it was just, you know, like the artist kind of intended you to see it. And, um, So [00:18:00] anyhow, afterwards, um, they, uh, they come, the, the owners came in and the lady actually broke down in tears. She said, this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. And I said, thank you. And, uh, so I just kind of bowed out of it after that, uh, other than I knew the artist and, and so on. And so anyhow, after that, everybody in town that was in the art business came to that event because of the artist that was there. And, uh, And everybody said, wow, who did your lighting? How did you do this? And then all of a sudden, so I ended up. Within a few weeks creating a little company called Best of Show. It's still a operating company in, in Sedona. And, uh, but anyhow, so I went around and I saw, and I let all the galleries and I'd go, all go down to Scottsdale, up to Tahoe or whatever. So I just ended up lighting galleries. These people didn't have a lot of excess money, so there was no, if you didn't do it for money, you did it because you loved arts. And, uh, [00:19:00] so, but anyhow, when I, while I was doing that, I was starting to work with. Electrical again. Mm-hmm. And, um, so one day I was sitting at the computer trying to, uh, order some parts from some lighting parts, uh, and uh, from the wholesale house down in Phoenix. And, and every time I'd hit the computer, then all of a sudden it would crash and I'd have to reboot it and bring it back up. And this kept going on and on. And then finally I realized, well, it's static electricity. So I took a piece of copper tape and I laid it across the top of my desk and just taped it down. And then I connected it to a little wire and I connected it the wire to the electrical ground. And so whenever I would get ready to touch the computer, I'd touch the tape first and discharge the static on my body and then go about. Doing whatever I wanted and it worked. And so I thought, wow, that's great. And then so, but anyway, I put in, [00:20:00] put in my orders and stuff, whatever. But a little while later I went outdoors and I sat on a bench and up pulls this big old tour bus. And all, and, and the people started coming off the tour bus and they were a Japanese tour group. And so they were a little shorter in stature than, you know, most people. And they all had these white, big, white tennis shoes on. And it just became, it was, it was like, um, Outta nowhere. I ask my, just ask myself. I wonder if there's any consequence to us, to humans wearing these rubber soul shoes because we're no longer naturally grounded. Now, unless you spent 30 years in the communication of the industry and knew that your body was conductive and knew certain things, you could never have asked that question. Um, but anyhow, but I was away from the cable industry then I was, and uh, and it just, so it was that working knowledge that made me ask the question and I didn't know.[00:21:00] So that night I went home. And I took a volt meter and connected it to a ground and walked around my house, and I just held the, the test probe and, and I started measuring all of the charges that are on my body when I walked through the house. Static electricity. Every step you take, you're creating static electricity on your body, and then you have all these EMFs, then you have all of these wiring in your homes. You have all of this electrical noise around us. In nature, there's none. In your house. It's like you're living in a sea of electrical noise. Mm-hmm. And I didn't, I thought I'd never thought about it before because we were always grounding everything else to protect it from electromagnetic interference. And here, you know, the human body is the most electrical thing in the environment, but never thought about grounding the body. So anyhow, I then went back to the hardware store and got bought a roll of three inch wide metal duct tape. [00:22:00] The aluminum type, and I hasted it across the bed on a sheet, and I connected it to a ground wa uh, groundwater, threw it out the window, connected it to a ground rod, and grounded. So I knew that the tape was grounded to the earth. So then I took a meter and grounded it, and then I would go lay on the bed as soon as I laid on the tape, then my, all this noise would go away. It would stop because when you are connected to the earth, you, you're electrically as big as the earth and the, the earth is infinitely, large body is infinitely small. So if, if the earth is ground, whatever, you touch it, you're gonna be ground. Um, so. I didn't think too much about it, but, uh, and again, I was in my early fifties and I had lots of pain because I was a cowboy. I had ski for 30 years. I had, I, I had every kind of injury you could possibly, uh, have. Um, but [00:23:00] anyhow. Uh, and I remember one time I, I went out the back door and I had so much pain in my eyes. I looked up this guy and I says, God, why'd you make my body with so much pain in it? And, uh, this is all about the same time, you know? And so all of this kind of just came together. But anyhow, that night I laid down on that tape and I had the meter on my chest and I was playing with it just. Playing with the meter and, and then the next thing I knew it was morning and the meter's down by my side. And I thought, wow, there's something going on here. Because normally I don't sleep. I'd have to take Advil or you know, whatever. And, um, and watch TV half the night. Uh, cuz I couldn't sleep. And, but anyhow, that night I just fell right to sleep. And I woke up the next morning and I thought, wow, there's something going on. And so I got up and thought about it a [00:24:00] little bit. Um, Did it again for a couple of nights, same thing. And then I grounded a couple of friends that I had met and Sedona, and I said, you guys need to try this because you're not gonna believe it. Nobody sleeps. Hardly anybody anywhere in the United States sleeps. If they do, I'd like to meet them. But anyhow, um, So, uh, I went and grounded these two, two guys. They were older like me, in their, you know, late forties, early fifties. And, um, one of 'em had severe arthritis in his hands. And, uh, so anyhow, so they both went along with it, because in a small town there's not much to do. Somebody's got an idea to entertain you, that's what you do. So, so anyhow, the um, uh, couple days later. One of the guys comes over and he says, he said, it really does work. He says, but do you think it had, can have an, do you think it can be affecting [00:25:00] my arthritis? I says, no, I don't think so. I think it just helps you sleep. And then I realized that all of my pain, all my chronic pain was significantly reduced. And, and that's when I realized, okay, there, how come I don't know about this? Mm-hmm. And I, and all we had back then was aol. For internet and then getting on the internet there was, you know, whatever. So I couldn't find anything on the internet because there just wasn't anything there. And then, so I went to Nexus Lexus in the data retrieval, uh, um, groups to see if I could find any literature on published literature on why grounding makes you sleep better, why grounding makes pain go away. And I looked and I looked, couldn't find anything, and so I ended up going down to, uh, university of Arizona and visiting with a couple people there and tried to find some information there. There was nothing in the literature, nothing anywhere that [00:26:00] said, well, take your shoes off, stick your feet on the earth, and the pain's going to go away. There was nothing anywhere. Now, later I, after we published the book and so on, there were people sent us articles and books from a hundred years ago and from indigenous cultures. So it is quite common, but we had forgotten about it for a hundred years or more. And nobody recognized why it worked. They just knew that, you know, it did, it did and, and, um, so anyhow, then, um, So that's kind of how I got too grounding. Mm-hmm. Now I can go, go on, um, and you can ask me questions anywhere along the way here. But, um, but anyway, so I ended up not being able to figure it out. I wasn't tied to Sedona. I didn't wanna leave, but I wasn't tied to it. So I said, I'm gonna go out to California. I'm gonna go to ucla. [00:27:00] And ask them, because those guys are smart. They know everything. Mm-hmm. If they don't, they'll figure it out for you. And, um, so I went out there and, and I ended up making a connection with somebody in Sleep Lab and they said, and I was telling 'em what I was doing, and they looked at me and they said, you expect us to believe. If somebody's gonna tie a wire around somebody's toe, stick a nail in the ground, tie the wire to it, and that's gonna make 'em sleep better. They says, get outta here. You're nuts. Go away. And anyhow, we were able to carry on a conversation after that. And I did learn that I knew nothing about biology and they knew very little about electrical and most of all, nobody knew their body was electrical. They don't, nobody thinks that way. And, uh, but to me, you know, you can't move an, you can't electrical first, chemical second because you can't make chemical unless you move electrons. You know, so everything's electrical [00:28:00] first, chemical second. And, but I knew this. But I didn't understand any of it. So anyhow, that set me on a course where I had to do the first study and I was out in California. So I went up to Ventura where I, I, I just wanted to be far and away from LA that I had some breathing room, but I went up there and, uh, I ended up doing a study, uh, and with the help of a couple of students, uh, That knew how to do studies. Um, so we grounded 60 people. 30 of 'em were truly grounded, 30 of 'em were not grounded, and the control group, and then we, and all we were trying to ask is if they slept better and if they had less pain. And we came back and overwhelmingly everybody who was grounded had less pain and slept better and had in general, Improved health, and then we had these little things show up like people who had tmj, the [00:29:00] TMJ would go away, or the lady young girls that had menstrual cramps and stuff. Well, I have one gal who she said that for, for at least a week a month, she could not go to work because of the. Uh, cramps, pain. Yeah. The cramps and pain she was having. And she said when we grounded her, she went to work and nothing, like nothing ever happened. She said it was a miracle. And so there was things like that. And then, um, Uh, yeah. You know, just, it went on and so we were kind of dumbfounded. How could this simple thing have this effect? Mm-hmm. We did not know. We did not know, but we had gathered more anecdotal information so we could go to doctors or scientists or whatever and say, here you tell us what is going on here. And so we ended up, Uh, connecting with a, uh, radiologist who had just retired down in San Diego and he was looking for something to do and his name was Maurice Golly. And, um,[00:30:00] Clint Ober: Told him what we were doing. He says, I don't think there's anything to what you're doing. But he said, let's do some tests and find out, or let's do a study and find out. So we went and grounded, you know, a dozen people, most of 'em women, and uh, and we measured cortisol. We would. Let 'em have 'em chew, cortisol, sali, death type things. Mm-hmm. And then we would every four hours for 24 hours. So we had a, a profile of their circadian cortisol profile, and then we'd freeze them and send 'em to the lab. And then six, eight weeks later we went back, did the same thing. Had 'em chew the saliva and we also measured heart rate variability. But back then nobody knew what that was or how to deal with it. Um, so anyhow, um, uh, we, so we sent all this saliva sent and then they sent the, the data back to us. And so I put 'em in a profile chart and what we found [00:31:00] is the, before everybody's 24 hour, Cortisol secretion profiles were all over the place. They were not, they were just scattered. They looked like spaghetti compared to each other. But after they were grounded for six to eight weeks, then they all synchronized into a tight band. The ones, the young girls who were high. Yeah, high anxiety wear. They came down. The older people who had exhausted adrenals, theirs came up and we thought, wow, there's something really odd here because. When we grounded them to the earth, um, we saw this spike in cortisol at 4:00 AM West coast time, and interestingly enough, there were three stewardess that we had to take out of the study because they were stationed or whatever in San Diego. So they were there three or four days a week. And, and, uh, the reason we took 'em out is because their [00:32:00] cortisol profiles were three hours off. From. Everyone else, but they lived, they lived in New York, so, uh, so that, that was, that explained that, but what, but we couldn't understand was why cortisol spiked at 4:00 AM at night. I mean, a huge spike and I. And then I started studying it then. And cortisol does do that. It has to do it because that's what gives you the energy to get out of bed in the morning without having a heart attack. If you have low cortisol, you, you, you're not gonna have any energy. So, but anyhow, so why at four o'clock? Because there's no daylight, there's no sound, there's nothing in the environment that's queuing that, triggering that hormonal release. So then I did more work and I realized that the Earth itself has, you know, this global, um, [00:33:00] Rhythm. Yeah, yeah. Rhythms. But it's, it's a rise and fall in amplitude of the earth of earth's electric field. Beans is stronger at, at noon, and it's lowest at midnight. And then as the earth turns and you're connected to it and the sun is stationary and as the earth turns, and so when you come around a little bit, then all of a sudden the, the sunlight side, I mean, there's. There's rhythms, there's noise. It's like the ocean and everything else. All this stuff is noise. But as you get closer or further away from, you know, it's like lightning at two o'clock in the afternoon is there's more lightning strikes at two o'clock in the afternoon, wherever it's two o'clock in the afternoon on in the equatorial regions. So it father, so the son, You know, heats the causes evaporation. Then you have condensation, and then you have at two o'clock in the afternoon, no matter where you are on the planet, there's lightning and thunderstorms. [00:34:00] So, so anyhow, there's these rhythms out there. There's all these patterns and everything. And so then we finally tied it down to that. The only thing that could be causing this is the, the beginning of the rise in the amplitude of Earth's electric field. At 4:00 AM So this is coming from the Earth. So this is a grounding phenomena. So if you're flying across the nation and you, and you know, like you're flying to New York or whatever, and, and you get up in the morning and you feel like you have acid in your vein, that's really cortisol because your cortisol is three hours off. So if you want to, if you want to resync your cortisol, just stand on the earth barefoot for 15 minutes and it reset your circadian profile and then you sync up with the earth wherever you are. And we, you know, anyhow, so it's all, so we've learned all these things. Um, And anyhow, that study, uh, ever was really [00:35:00] surprised when the results came in because how could this possibly be? How come nobody knew about any of this? And, um, I didn't know anything. I was just a cowboy trying to figure it out, you know? And, um, so anyhow, they said, well, everybody got excited and said, well, let's, let's do a bigger study. And then all of a sudden other people started to get involved, scientists from all over and other researchers. And then all of a sudden everybody was doing studies everywhere. And we ended up with, you know, like 30 peer-reviewed published studies at at least that many on the Earthing Institute site now. And, um, So, and then we have at least that many going on around the world even now. Um, because everybody's just, after 25 years, people are slowly starting to take an interest in it, slowly hearing about it, and it's happening. Um, um, so anyhow, that's, so for the last 30 years, or the last 25 years, what I've done primarily [00:36:00] is to promote the studies. Engage the scientific community. However, however necessary. Fortunately, I had a fist full of dollars because I did all right in the cable industry. Um, um, and because nobody does anything without, you know, the only reason people do research is to get paid. They don't do research cuz they love it. They don't have, some people may, but the only reason people do anything is so they get paid. And so that was. You know, in order to do all the research we did, you had to be paid for. And the universities get, you know, a certain amount of money, the researchers get a certain amount of money and you know, goes on and on. So that's a business all by itself. That's why they never come to a conclusion. They just say, we need further study. So they get more, get more grants to do more study. And it's okay. It's good, you know, so, but anyhow, so I have spent the last 25 years doing nothing except promoting. [00:37:00] The science, uh, and spreading the word. And, and I do that, uh, it's like I used to go to, uh, I remember, I don't know if you remember David Wolf. Have you ever heard that name? David Wolf? I have heard maybe, yeah. David. You know, he had, they had a group called Longevity something, you know, uh, and he found out about what we were doing and he was blown away with it. This is back, gosh. And. 2 10, 2 0 8, somewhere back in there. Even be, yeah. And he just fell in love with it. So they started having these events, uh, a couple of 'em a year. And so I would go to these events and there's some, the first one had like a few hundred people. The last one I did had like 1500 people. And then we would run a ground wire across the floor and then tape it down so it was kind of hidden. And then we would have a little quell cord beside each chair, and then we'd put a patch. You know, on it or a [00:38:00] method they could sit it on it or whatever, so that everybody that was in attendance at those conferences for three days, um, they could experience grounding. And it was so successful that no matter what we took to the shows, it was sold out just within a few. Minutes of David or somebody talking about grounding. And, and then afterwards, uh, they would generate, you know, a a few million dollars worth of sales in grounding products because of the people who attended the seminar. They would go home and then they would give it to their moms or whatever than they'd wanna buy more. So it kind of created, so it's, it's been primarily our, you know, the, the business evolved around women, primarily the ages 30 to 55. The older, they had more disposable income, the kids were gone. Mm-hmm. The younger ones were moms who were autoimmune disease that really needed help. And so we're still in 99% female business. Um, [00:39:00] it's amazing, but it's true. Uh, cuz wo women take care of the health of the family, you know, and, um, so, and that, so that makes sense. But, but anyhow, the, um, the business. I never got in the business to sell product. I just wanted to answer the question, is there a consequence here? And, but as we did our studies, the more we did our studies, the more people that we grounded, they started to experience the benefits or the results, and then they would want to take the test mats that we had. Used with them, or some of 'em were bed mats, some of 'em were pads, some of 'em were just patches and so, but they all wanted to take 'em home after the studies. And then they kept coming back asking for more for their moms, primarily their moms. Uh, my mom [00:40:00] needs this or somebody needs one. And we didn't really have products, so we ended up there. The demand automatically forced us into the business. Mm-hmm. Uh, because nobody else could do it. Nobody else would do it. Everybody the way wanted. Two manufacturers, they thought, you guys are crazy. Get outta here. Just like the U ucla, nobody wanted to touch it because nobody could believe it. And the only time you can believe it is if you experienced it. Absolutely. And um, so that's still pretty much the way it is today. So I spend my life, uh, doing podcasts. I do at least three a week and I do, uh, events. I, right now we're, you know, installing or taking grounding to the yoga industry. And, uh, so we go in and we have a special tape we put on the floor. And so then, So there's no wires and stuff, and then the mats are conductive, so anybody, they've on the mat, they're automatically grounded to the earth. Mm-hmm. Well, that's where yoga came from, is you. [00:41:00] They used to do it in the dirt on the earth. I never had mats in the beginnings, but, but anyhow, so everything I do and I've just dedicated my life to it is, uh, in fact, I, I, I go into shock if I don't get to go ground somebody every day. Who do I get to ground today or whatever, or what group or whatever. And so, but it's all about, Uh, every time you ground a person, you never know where it's gonna go. I mean, we have grounded some of the most famous people in the world. Um, uh, we have done so many things and, um, uh, and it spreads around. We've grounded hundreds and hundreds of athletes, but they don't talk about it. You know, the athletes, this is a secret weapon and, um, So, uh, but, but you know, so did I answer your question how I came about it? James A.: No, absolutely. That's, that is the story and I Yeah, [00:42:00] absolutely love how it kinda came together and you had this whole epiphany and, uh, There's just so much that you touched on that I wanna kind of go back and now I'll dive into the questions, but I think background, uh, the overall summary of what Earthing is, and now that there's actual proof, because there's science and there's literature Yeah. Back the anecdotal claims, which I, I think if enough people are saying that, Hey, this stuff works, then we need to pay attention to that. Even if there is not money behind it or there's not money to be made. Right. As you stated. Yeah. People are not gonna do research unless there's money involved and, uh, true. This is, uh, potentially, I mean, every, it's available to everyone. All you have to do is, like you said, get barefoot and put your feet to the ground and it's free medicine. Clint Ober: Yes. Yep. James A.: And, uh, love how you were an art fan, uh, [00:43:00] an art fanatic, and how you did. I say that it's very hard to see the bigger picture when you're actually in it. So we have these art paintings, these canvases, and honestly, what you have to do is step back sometimes. That way you can actually see what we're missing. Yeah. And how the grounding didn't really come to you until you stepped outta the communications. Uh, so, and then now all of a sudden it's, it's very obvious. And then, uh, the footwear. So I do all of my training in barefoot style, uh, shoes. I consider modern day name brand footwear, almost weapons in and of themselves, how they cut off circulation, how they restrict the foot. And it's almost like a little foot cuff. And I think it kind of keeps us locked into this synthetic state. And obviously it's keeping us ungrounded. So who knows what we're being affected by. Uh, that'll be a whole nother, um, Podcast just on footwear alone. But I, I think one of the most effective [00:44:00] things that people can do is realize that, hey, when you are wearing those marshmallow cushiony shoes that are, uh, have rubber souls on the bottom, you are no longer connected to the earth. And you'll plug in your phone, you'll plug in your laptop, your television, whatever it may be. But we are electrical beings. And the one thing that's not being charged up anymore is you. Uh, that's right. I believe, uh, Nicola Tesla actually mentioned that, uh, he viewed the body as a meat machine. So we are electrical beings and we have these electrons that we can pick up from the earth. You have the be the opposite charge, as you stated. So there's just so much that we can kind of go into here and electrical more ground. So, What, what is happening when people are getting grounded? Is it improving their circulation? Is it, uh, I mean, from what I've read, it, it improves the circulation, the [00:45:00] blood flows better. I realize that when I would work with athletes out at the beach, um, or even out at some hills that are nearby, I'm in South Florida, near the Fort Lauderdale area. Uh, I would actually have them sprint, barefoot, and mm-hmm. They were much more efficient. When they were training grounded as opposed to when I brought 'em into the gym with poor lighting and non-conductive floor mats in their rubber sold shoes. So there's a lot to this. So what is, what is the, Thing that you think is working with grounding? Clint Ober: Okay. Well, it starts with the sun. You know, the earth is charged by the sun. The, the sun is radiating the earth, meaning, uh, spewing photons and electrons. And so the earth stores this energy, and so the earth is kinda like a battery. It has a, you know, 20 to 300 millivolt. [00:46:00] Negative charge. Negative means in an abundance of electrons that are free, that can rapidly move and they only do one thing, reduce charge. You know, like in a lightning strike, for instance, is where you visually see it. There's a shortage of electrons at the, uh, bottom of the cloud because the electrons from the, I don't wanna get too technical, but, so anyhow, but once the imbalance gets out of. Large enough, then there's a fisher in the plasma and it'll break, crack the plasma and then electrons will flow from the earth to the clouds and reduce the charge and the, the charge imbalance. And then everything returns to normal. So, uh, so the earth is electrical by nature. Everything that is on the earth that is alive. It's because of these electrons that come from the sun that [00:47:00] migrate on the earth. They, all of our plants are. Energetically grown with, you know, this energy, uh, and, and, and we eat the plants and stuff, so we kind of are the earth of walking around, you know, I mean, and um, so, but anyhow, so the earth has this charge, so your human body is conductive. And so if you take your shoes off and stand barefoot on the earth, Then your body will equalize and absorb sufficient electrons from the earth until you're equally in in the same potential, meaning you have the same amount of electrons per inch as the earth itself does something like that. Uh, but as soon as you take your feet, put your shoes on, then you cut that off. It stops, instantly. Stops. Now you're the, the body is a, is a living thing, so, and you're breathing, you're breathing oxygen. [00:48:00] So there's all of this elec, you know, the energy can, at the speed of light goes in and out of the body just to maintain, uh, you know, earth potential. Um, but I don't wanna get into too technical on that, but, uh, so anyhow. For, from the beginning of time, we always lived on the earth. We slept on the earth. Uh, so we were, we didn't have to know about grounding. Nobody ever thought about it because we were always grounded, all living things on the planet. If you unground them, they're going to die. You know, like a lot of plants, I mean, you un, you know, rooted type plants, they will die. Um, so, um, Anyhow. So it is this electrical energy that is, uh, it's the force. It's, it's the, the force. It's the thing that when it's like when you die, when your electrons start moving, they can no longer get, you know, brain waves [00:49:00] or heart or whatever. You're dead. That means the electrons stopped, the electricity stopped. So it's all about electrical. So anyhow, so when we touch the earth, Our body becomes negative, meaning you have an abundance of free electrons, and what that means to anybody in the communications industry means you can't have charge in a grounded object. You can't have inflammation. Inflammation is charge body on fire, inflame, body inflame, you know, fire is oxidation, that's charge. Um, so, but you can't have inflammation, chronic inflammation in a grounded object. And that's where one of the studies eventually led me was once I understood that neutrophils, um, you know, the white blood cells. If you have a pathogen in your body, the white blood cells, they will swim [00:50:00] over and encapsulate, wrap themselves around that pathogen or whatever, and then they release reactive oxygen species. The word reactive means it's electrically charged. It has such a charge on it. It can rip an electron away from a pathogen and destroy it. That's bizarre. But yeah, that's how the immune system works. So anyhow, throughout all time, we always were grounded to the earth. We always had an excess negative charge on our body so that if a neutrophil went over and oxidized something and there was some remaining radicals left over after the oxidative burst. Then the earth free electrons would neutralize it at the speed of light rather than allowing it to go over and steal, cuz the inflammation is when you have a shortage. Of these electrons in your body, you don't have enough free electrons in your body. And, and what happens is you have an oxidative [00:51:00] burst and the remaining reactive oxygen are free radicals that are left over after that burst. If they, they're gonna ground in just a few nanoseconds. So if there's not, you know, uh, a negative or free electron to reduce that radical, then it's going to steal an electron from some adjacent tissue. And that's what they call fire because it, because it, it steals one and then it damages that cell and the immune system sends the other one. So you have a chronic event going on. You've, you started a fire, you started an oxidative fire, and it won't go out until you have enough free electrons in your body to reduce it and prevent it. Now you can. Eat blueberries. You can do a lot of things, but you need a whole lot of these because in nature you're grounded 24 7. You can't have, you couldn't, we couldn't have gotten here as a species if we were, we couldn't have all, if we weren't grounded because grounding is what protects the living environment of all cells [00:52:00] is these free electrons are, they're grounding, they're mopping up, they're preventing charge. Mm-hmm. From oxidizing. Tissue plants, humans, whatever. James A.: I like the way that you put that because I, if you look at the nervous system of the body and you look at a tree, they kind of share a very striking resemblance. So the way that I kind of picture, uh, humans is like, as if we're walking trees. So we've been literally uprooted in the, the inflammation. And actually going back even farther, what you were saying. Uh, how you wanted to get back to nature, like there was something that you just wanted to feel at home. That's the exact reason why I named this about the Human Podcast because I feel like we've had something, but we've kind of been distracted from it. And it's time to kinda, uh, go back to our true human selves where we're. We're doing things that are very not [00:53:00] human-like. So I love the example, uh, that you were saying there, the information, it's almost like a fire spreading and then the mm-hmm. Electrons that we can receive from the earth would be as if we're putting out the fire with water that we're receiving. Clint Ober: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. All of our studies showed, I mean, uh, Is when pain resolves, then that was our mission for eight years. How to try to figure out what's the mechanism of grounding? How does it work, how does it do this? And to me it was quite simple, you know, you know, ground is like water. Uh, so you're, you're, you're o you're opening up the skin and pouring electrons in there and it's in there reducing these. Putting out the fire of inflammation and it's just common sense, second nature to anybody that's electrical. James A.: Maybe that's all we need to know is that human beings are electrical, so go [00:54:00] charges. Yeah. And, and it's, uh, yeah, now that I'm talking with you, it, it's funny because again, we have these portable devices that we need to replug into the wall. It's almost as if the footwear has made us portable. Clint Ober: Right? Yeah. Yeah, well before footwear, I mean, I grew up barefoot. Uh, the only time we wore shoes was when we went to church or school or some event, and then if it rained, you had to take 'em off and carry 'em so they didn't get wet, and they'd get all gnarly. But it was in the, you know, the late fifties. We invented plastics in the early sixties. We started, the first thing we did was make rubber soul shoes, and that's when this event really took off. If you go out and if you go back and look at the growth of diabetes, autism, lupus, ms, cardiovascular, all cancer, all of these, they're all on a curve. This exponentially growing and it's [00:55:00] still growing to this day. They don't know why. They just. We have all these medical institutions that, you know, kind of it's palliative care, take care of you until you die, make you feel better. But the cause nobody understands the cause. There's a hundred causes of inflammation, but there's one primary cause. That is what we learned. I mean, what we learned in all of our work, we've just stepped out of nature. And when we put those shoes on, we disconnect ourselves from the earth. You don't only disconnect yourself from the, uh, the electrons and the fiscal, uh, you know, earth, you disconnected from that energy because all things that are connected to the earth. All living things. It's kind of like we're all one, uh, uh, it's kind of like, um, there's another, there's this energy that we're all a piece of, and a part of, and this, uh, synchronicity of, of events and all this stuff that goes on, but it's through this global communication, [00:56:00] all things that are connected to the earth are connected to this global communication system. You put shoes on, it's like, It's like you're an astronaut, you might as well be out in space. You cut yourself off from the soul of the earth. James A.: I, I think it's funny how the soul of the shoe is literally called a soul. I, I do agree with you. We're kind of cutting off our soul connection to what was, what is and what's there. And uh, yes. That's probably the reason why you get a little bit stressed out or triggered if you don't have a day where you can go ground someone. Cause you're Oh yeah. Trying to get your friends back. Clint Ober: Yeah, it is kinda like, um, well it is so important, especially to ground these young moms who have children and to help them get their life back so they can pass it on. Uh, that's where I prefer to spend my time. Uh, the older people are gonna get grounded one way or the other soon enough, but, um, yeah, it's like we've got to [00:57:00] stop this nonsense. We have to get back to nature. We are nature, we're a part of it. We're not separate from and, and, and, and we're paying the price. James A.: Well, I think you'd be proud because I'm carrying on your, uh, your life's work. Then I just had a, a son and my, uh, partner. Yeah. The very first time that she ever laid on the grounding mat. Yeah. It was like she laid back into a, a cloud. She felt it. So she's very intuitive, so I'm sure she picked up on it. Yep. But yeah, no, I totally agree. And this is some life-changing stuff that you're, uh, creating. Now, what I've noticed, because I've introduced this to my, my family, I noticed that the very first time that I've relayed on a, a grounding sheet, I started to get kind of, uh, congested and then, I decided, okay, I'm gonna get off this for a little bit. Went away, the congestion went away. But [00:58:00] then as soon as I got back on it, the congestion came back. So what I attributed to is, okay, maybe I had some fire in my body that now the electrons that I was receiving from the Earth are finally, or the neutrophils are finally able to go do their job. They're, they're taking care of the fire. And then I've noticed, mm-hmm. With my family. Some people would get tingles, like a, like a diabetic neuropathy. They'd get some type of tingles the very first few nights and then it would pay to go away. Their pain's gone. They have more mobility. My mom can literally put her leg up almost over her head now, and she's in her seventies as well. Good. Actually able to get off of, uh, blood pressure medication as well. Mm-hmm. I mean, this has such a broad range of benefits and it seems like. What we're taking care of is, is all the same stuff, which would be inflammation. So we have this disease, that disease, I would say we really [00:59:00] have one major disease and that would be, oh, being overly oxidized and inflamed on fire. Clint Ober: Yeah, you are. You're absolutely correct. It was, uh, 2 0 4 when Ritter and the boys. Back at Boston Mass came out with that article. It was in Time Magazine and it in the front of Time Magazine. It showed the body on fire and had the word inflammation and they said it, you know, you, you don't have. Cardiovascular disease, you don't have cancer, you don't have all these things. What you have is chronic inflammation and it manifests differently in different people based on your genetics and your lifestyle. And, uh, meaning cardiovascular's gonna show up in some people that do certain things and cancer's gonna show up in others and lupus and whatever. So, but anyhow, if you, you have to have inflammation first. Otherwise, you can't have these diseases. These diseases don't come from nature. And, and, and this is really important. Clint Ober: [01:00:00] In the animal world, cancer doesn't, by and large does not exist unless man screws up their environment. Um, but animals, for instance, who live indoors with their owners, they manifest same health disorders as their owners and 50% of them die from cancer just like their owners. And it doesn't, and that doesn't happen in, in nature. I mean, they'll, they're gonna die of something, but they're, but they're not dying of inflammation related health disorders or cancer and, and the like, degenerative health. It's about quality of life. It's about quality of life. If you, you're gonna live in a. Pain and your whole life's gonna be upside down. Uh, low energy, all these things and all these diseases and stuff, uh, these are, these are environmental health disorders. It's because of the environment we're living in. We insulated ourselves from the earth first, and it's like EMFs and all that kinda stuff. [01:01:00] If you are disconnected from the earth, you are an antenna. That attracts these EMFs to your body and attracts static electricity. But if you're grounded to the earth, that's impossible. You, nothing can affect you when you're connected to the earth. So it's your, it's your shield, it's, you know, it's an electrical shield. And, uh, so I could go on and on about all of this, but it's, it's really look at the animal world and you see what we're talking about. Mm-hmm. They have health. Yeah. Health is the body's most natural state. If you do not have health, then something you're doing is interfering with the immune system's ability to maintain health. Cuz the body, you know, the immune system only knows one thing, return the body to normal. That's what it does all day long. James A.: Yeah. And something is getting in its way. Could be the phone. Yeah. Uh, yeah, a [01:02:00] previous episode on animals and how the domesticate animals are pretty much a direct mirror and reflection of what's going on with us. But for whatever reason, people honestly can't see it. It's, it's the strangest thing to me. It's like having a, a bird's eye view. Yeah. James A.: Um, but you did mention, you did mention EMFs and. So if you are grounded with all the towers that are up, I'm not gonna mention the name because honestly, some of my stuff gets censored. Um, but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. But with all these high emitting E M F towers that are surrounding us now, if you're grounded, you're absolutely protected. You wouldn't need, like any type of scaler devices or anything that's coming out in order to protect you. Clint Ober: No. You, you what? You have to, you have to think about. Nature, first of all. Um, You know, it's like, you know, magnets were real popular 20 years ago. Everybody had to have magnets. And I said, [01:03:00] you know, the day that I see a baby pop out with a magnet tagged to its butt, that's when I'll start believing that kind of stuff. Uh, but anyhow, so it's, everybody is trying to, Make a, you know, mean they're out there doing all these things, creating and inventing all these things to protect themselves from emf. You can't protect yourself from emf. There's only one way on God's green earth. You can protect yourself from emf that's put your feet on the earth. There ain't no other way because these things are pervasive. You, no matter where you are, 10,000 cell phones are signals are hitting you. You know, or, or if you walk into any house, you're walking into a bird cage of E M F. You take all the wallboard down, look at all the wires in that home. You are totally electrified. If you're living in a modern home and you are not grounded, you can measure it with a bolt meat. Anybody can measure it, and that's what the EMF people and these people are running around measuring it and say, oh my, you know, you gotta do this, you gotta do that, and you're gonna, they don't understand that the problem is not EMFs. The problem [01:04:00] is that we are no longer naturally grounded. So what has to occur in order to restore health is you gotta restore, you gotta fix the problem. You can't have a bandaid, you know, and you can't afford to have somebody come in and shield your house. It costs you tens of thousands of dollars. You can't afford to do all this stuff that everybody's talked and they're, and they're, and they know just, just enough to be dangerous. They don't really know what they're doing, most of them or what they're talking about. And I don't wanna pick on anybody, and I don't want to interfere with anybody making a living because that's, that's what people do. Um, But, but, but if you, and this is cowboy logic, this is taking care of cow and a pasture. You gotta find out what the problem is, what made the cow sick. You can't do it by adding supplements. I mean, there's nothing wrong with supplements. You need them today. But with a cow, I mean, they're. [00:05:00] They eat certain things. They drink water. They need fresh water. They need this, they need that, but anything else is going to contribute. You can't mask, you can't take and and put Sav on a wound and expect it to heal if you haven't fixed. What caused it. And so the real cause of all these health disorders is not all of this noise. And the fact that you didn't eat enough of this or you didn't drink enough of that, or you didn't do whatever the cause is because you are ungrounded, you are disconnected from the earth. So what's the solution? Well, it's not gonna happen overnight. It took us 60 years to create this mess. Only 60 years in fact. 35 years ago when I started on this, uh, it was only 35 years from the time they invented shoes, I mean, know plastic shoes, but now it's 60, 65 years. So, [01:06:00] uh, in 1960, 90% of the visits to a practitioner were for, for acute injury infectious disease, childbirth. 10%, whatever. Today, 90% of the visits to a doctor are for an inflammation related health disorder. A insulated from the Earth Health disorder. You're living in, you're living you. You're living ungrounded, and so the earth can't protect you. So you're out here in free space. You're an astronaut. And astronauts. Astronauts do not do well if they're ungrounded for a long time. Get to the actual. Yeah, I, that's, you know, I'm, but, but again, I'm a cowboy, cowboy logic, and black and white, uh, all this other stuff is good. If you [01:07:00] can't do anything else, maybe it'll do you some good, but the, but unless you understand the problem and an attempt to fix the problem, you can. If you want, if EMS are a problem, turn the damn breakers off. You have no option. You have to do that. That's a, that's like, it's like taking your shoe up, putting your foot on the earth. Same thing. You don't, this doesn't cost a fortune. This just. You know, you have to eliminate the source, but the root, but that's not gonna stop inflammation. Doing all the EMF stuff is not gonna do anything for you for inflammation. The only thing that's gonna do that is you. You have to have some, you have to have some negative charge. You have to get free electrons from somewhere. Nothing else is going to solve that. James A.: Otherwise, you're kind of just like fanning the flames a little bit. Clint Ober: Yes, but it, but again, you know, you can edit this part out if you want. But, but again, I'm not fond of the people running around scaring everybody, especially guys running out there with bolt meters scaring women. Oh my God, you're gonna do this, you're gonna do that. They don't [01:08:00] want to hear that what they want. They have pain, they have health problems, they need a solution, something they can afford, something they can identify with, you know? Um, Not give me a thousand dollars and I'll audit your home and tell you what your problems are. That's not the solution. EMFs are not the, you know, that's just not the solution. James A.: Gotcha. No, I really appreciate the honesty. So just get grounded. You don't even need something like a fairday cage. Now what, what would, um, so say for instance, if we have dirty electricity and we're grounding something like the grounding sheet into those wall socks, and we sleep on that. Does that have any negative effect on our body, or it's just still electrons coming in and doing what they need to do? Clint Ober: Yeah. There's some published papers on this, and we have published some of our own work on the Earthing Institute net that talks about so-called dirty electricity and all of these things. I can tell you one thing, I'm, I'm [01:09:00] 68, pushing 69 years, 79 years old. And I've been doing this for over 25 years, and I've been in around electrical and all this stuff for another 30 years. I have never found anybody that ever died from exposure to dirty electricity or any other of this nonsense. These, your body is, you know, you can't just penetrate the skin. I mean, the skin is, it's a dialectic. I mean, um, There. There's just so much that needs to be said about it, but it takes time to educate and whatever. But dirty electricity is your refrigerator kicks on. And so there's a spike, what they call a spike. You can measure this so you have it, and uh, let's say that you have somebody come in and you spend thousands of dollars on filters and whatever. Well, your next door neighbor, [01:10:00] they probably didn't do that. So the spikes from them, electric fields, Um, go from here to a infinity. So they lose 50% of their power every time you double the distance, but they're gonna go through your house. They're gonna go through, you know, so it is just, I, I don't know how to say this without, uh, I try to avoid it mostly because it's just nonsense. But, but nobody, these are not making people sick. What's making people sick is they have inflammation in their bodies. Uh, they're eating poorly. They're not exercising, they're not, you know, we live in homes today. We no longer get sunlight. Mm-hmm. You know, we cut off our sunlight, we cut off our ground, and here we are living in this artificial environment and turn up the noise, turn up the sound, brighten the colors, give me an extra cell phone. And so I don't think about anything except what I see. You know, that's the problem. But if you want health, if we're talking [01:11:00] about pure health, Then you have to go back to nature. You have to start at nature. You have to go sit on a rock in the woods, barefoot and look around, look at the animals, look at life, look at the trees, look at everything. You have health. If you want that, then you, you have to return to nature. Now, we're not gonna go back and live in the woods. We're not gonna do this and that. But you do have to. Eventually they're gonna figure it out. And I work on it all the time. Um, we, we sell unbelievable amounts of these products, and it's all word of mouth. We don't really advertise a lot or anything like that, but it's moms taking care of moms and moms taking care of children. That's the, the ba but it spreads like wildfire around the world. We, we deliver our product around the world and, uh, we have distributors now that, again, these are. It's an auto, it's a, it's an accidental business. But [01:12:00] the point is, um, unfortunately we do make money doing that, and we get to invest more of that money back into what we do. And that's really good because at my age, I don't need money. Um, I just need to do something worthwhile and feel good about it before I go out. Um, but, but anyhow, so I don't want to get lost here. Um, yeah. EMFs, all these things, Environmental EMFs in your home are not your problem. If you want to get rid of 'em, you can. And I think everybody should get rid of all the noise you possibly can in your environment. But that's not your priority. Your priority is getting grounded as much as you possibly can. And then eventually, and we have billions of dollars of grounded carpet being sold every year for corporate America for um, Mission critical center for anything or the static electric blow a computer or something, [01:13:00] or damage, uh, some chips. Um, But that's a big industry. A huge industry, but the public's not aware of it. You know, it's like electrical and, and if you go to, you know, you go to your city, the schools are grounded. I mean, they have shielded conduit. All commercial buildings in any city has iron metal clad, um, conduit around their electrical wires. There are no electric fields when you have metal cla conduit, why don't they have them in home? Well, that's up to the builder and the home buyer. The government doesn't control that. That's up to the builder and the home buyer. Well, the home buyer doesn't wanna pay that extra $20,000 to have metal clad conduit. First of all, they don't even know they, that they would benefit from it. But, so there's, you have to look at all of this. Uh, people do know about this, but the public knows nothing. Yeah, just give them more, give them more tv, give them more whatever, [01:14:00] you know, can't even get 'em to go exercise, you know, James A.: give them bread and circuses and they'll never revolt. You know that. Yes. Yeah. Well, I think you saved me a bit of money then, because, I mean, I've just been getting grounded in, despite it being plugged into the wall, whether I know if it started electricity or not. I, I mean, I feel great. Nothing has gotten worse. And, uh, I mean, I feel younger now than I ever have before, so I'm just gonna keep doing it. Clint Ober: Yeah, well, yeah, dirty electricity is, um, it, it's pervasive, it's everywhere and it has been forever. Um, it's like, you know, we have electricity since, you know, the 18 hundreds and, you know, well over a hundred years. Surprising. We've only had it that long, but, but anyhow. Um, but people weren't, you know, they were more [01:15:00] problematic back in, you know, a hundred years ago because they weren't well grounded. They weren't a lot of things. Um, but we didn't have this. It was only in the 19. Uh, you know, a lot of these people run around and say, well, this is the cause of all these modern illnesses. They're not, because the people in the 18 hundreds didn't have this. The people in the 19 hundreds didn't have these health disorders. Autism didn't start until the, the sixties and seventies. Diabetes didn't start until the late fifties and so on. So something in the environment changed in the fifties and sixties that set up. They caused this, uh, you know, environmental change that promoted these inflammation related health disorders, cuz we didn't have those before. And a lot of people, you know, say, well, it's because of electricity. It's not because of electricity. We've always had electricity. Um, uh, it's like some say [01:16:00] it was the advent of electricity that caused these, you know, there's no science to, to prove this, and so there's a lot of mucky muck out there, but so I, I, I knew even as simple as I. Trying to teach people or explain, or the effects and the benefits of grounding. I knew you had to put millions and millions and millions of dollars into research and studies before anybody would believe it, and even then, they're not gonna believe it unless they're making a buck off of it. So, We, we, we create these products. We keep the price down as low as we possibly can. Our mission is one thing. Get as many people grounded until a, until somebody starts a fire, a ground fire, a groundswell. And, and it is, it's the moms. 99% of our customers are moms female. James A.: That's insane. I I really did not expect it to be that high, but Clint Ober: Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Go. Moms powerful. Yep. [01:17:00] Yep. James A.: So now, um, I believe talking about actually sleeping on it, because that's where I've, I've seen the most benefit mm-hmm. To the audience. I'll sleep. I get maybe five or six hours of sleep with a newborn baby, but I still feel fresh and like I got eight to nine, honestly. Uh, do you need to sleep directly on the mat or does it kind of just provide this field? Because I've heard from other companies before that, um, you should be directly on it or that you need to be wet in order to go through your sheet in order to be conductive. Is that true at all? Clint Ober: Well, you know, I'm, I've been doing this stuff for 25 years and I've been, I've tested every product that ever came along. Every product that's out there, 99% of the products being sold, especially on Amazon and around the world, these are [01:18:00] knockoff products that are of products that we discontinued. Like the cotton sheets, we quit making those because the sweat would oxidize the silver and they wouldn't last very long. People get mad because they quit working and, and you have a 20, 30% return rate, so you just can't afford to do that. So we kept improving the products and improving the products and improving the products, and everybody wants a nice soft sheet and a nice fluffy mattress and whatever. So we've always tried to, Mimic what they already have. And it's been a challenge. It's been a real challenge. So it's about eight years ago, maybe 10 years ago, I said, okay, enough of this. We're not doing any more. So we're not doing any more of this stuff. We're gonna build something that delivers the results that we see in our studies. If it doesn't do that, we are not going to market it. And so, so I eventually came up with or developed along with some. Engineers, [01:19:00] the carbon black, the carbon mats, they're black, they're solid black, and they're this, you can buy 'em the size of your bed, uh, and they just fit over the top of your mattress. Um, and, um, and then, Just lay down and go to sleep. No, I sleep directly on one. I have forever, but again, I'm 79 and if I don't stay grounded and I go for travel for three or four days and all that kind of, I start getting the aches and pains. I don't want the aches and pains. I want my nice blood viscosity. I want all, I want health. Yeah. As long as I'm here, I want health. I know I'm not gonna be here forever because of entropy, but, but as long as I'm here, I wanna be healthy. And so this keeps me healthy. So now everybody usually says, well there's, I'm not gonna do that. I could never do that. And uh, and remind me to tell you what happens to the blood, by the way, cuz you ask. Uh, but, but most people that buy our [01:20:00] products, Or they have autoimmune related health disorder, they have chronic inflammation, and it can be anywhere from lupus to MS, to fibromyalgia, to you know, cardiovascular, something significant. Their health, they're in trouble. The average person who has a, has any sense of health, they are not buying our products or grounding themselves. The only people that buy these kind products and, and use them and share with them and whatever are people who have their bodies are on fire and they've gone to the doctors and it's like Ms. And Lupus. Then when I first started doing the studies, I couldn't get any subjects. Like I go to the docs and say, give me some subjects so I can, you know, show you what this does. The only people who would give me any help whatsoever would be rheumatologists because they said, you know, we can't do anything and this is the ladies with MS and lupus and all of these kind of [01:21:00] autoimmune disease. Cuz they didn't know what they were back then. But anyhow, because they can't do anything for them. And autism, you can't do anything for 'em. There's no insurance code. What kind of insurance code can you, you know, use for audio? So this, you know, there's other issues goes on here, but, but anyhow, um, I don't know why I got off on that subject. Bring me back home. I'm sorry. James A.: Um, sleeping in directly on the mat or, Clint Ober: oh, sleeping. Yeah, sleeping directly on the mat. So, so what I tell everybody, if your health is compromised, your body's on fire and you need to stop the pain. If you are experiencing pain, if you feel pain, that means you have inflammation, cuz you can't have pain in your body without inflammation. Mm-hmm. Uh, it's just inflammation comes first and it's a message. To the brain and I mean to the body, then hey, I'm on fire. Get me outta here. But we don't perceive it that way. That means I need a pill, you know? But, but anyhow, um, [01:22:00] so what I tell everybody is if your health is compromised, Forget about anything anybody's just put the mat on your bed, lay down and go to sleep, and stay there and stay grounded until the pain goes away. And sometimes it's only 15 minutes. Sometimes it's 15 days, depending how old you are and how much you've abused yourself, but the body will return to normal. I've seen crippled up arthritic fingers, all gnarled that eventually straightened out. I've seen it all. Just, I'm totally convinced that nature knows what she's doing. Absolutely. That how the, it's, you know, and it's not what, but, but anyhow, so then once you get well and the paint's gone, then you can just take a nice thin sheet outta your closet and put it over the top of the mattress and sleep on it. And what happens is, as soon as you lay down on the sheet, That's on the mat and the mats grounded.[01:23:00] Then your body is perspiring constantly 24 7 and you're going to create enough perspiration. You're gonna take the humidity in the air and the perspiration that's body normally produces. You put a cover over your, you can feel the dampness. Mm-hmm. Okay. So that's enough conductivity to, for electrons to move. And to ground you. And you can test this with a meter and, um, but you usually have to lay down on it in order for the meter to, to read, because you have to have that hydration build up. Only takes a few seconds or minutes and then you got the comfort of that. But most people I know by and large, um, they, a lot of 'em do both. Um, but most people sleep directly on the mat. But that's because everybody out there, everybody you know, has got health problems, everybody, you know? Mm-hmm. [01:24:00] That can be resolved with grounding to a large degree. James A.: And now hopefully after listening to this, they'll, they'll know that. Yeah. So, yeah, if you have severe health issues, lay directly on the mat. Once those have kind of dwindled down a little bit, then you can. Proceed to little sheet over there. Okay. Gotcha. Clint Ober: If, if pain comes back up, get back on the block. Yeah. Thank you. James A.: Okay, so let's, uh, let's talk about the blood and, uh, this, I think we'll end it after this one. Okay. And this, this is probably. The most important thing to me because I love my mother, and my mother was on blood pressure medication, and once I noticed how much of a benefit that this was having on me, I needed to purchase it for her right away. Like you said, the, you don't need to advertise because it's Yeah, so, so real [01:25:00] that mm-hmm. It's just gonna spread like a wildfire, so word of mouth is the best and, yep. I wanted to ask you, since we're gonna talk about the blood, would there be any contraindications for people to start this up? Because what I noticed was not only with my mother, but with another, um, lady that I introduced this to, it actually reduced their blood pressure so much that if they were doing, um, the grounding along with taking their medication, it would actually go too long. Clint Ober: Yes. That, that is the problem. Anybody who is on, um, Coumadin especially, or any of these blood thinners, um, and, and then you start grounding, well, first of all, lemme tell you what grounding does. So as soon as you stand on the earth, the first thing that happens within minutes is your blood viscosity normalizes, meaning before your blood is thick and sticky.[01:26:00] And it's hard to get in and out of the capillaries and oxygenate the tissue and so on. And so as soon as you ground the body, then it has, I mean, the blood circulates about once a minute throughout the body. So, so if you're standing barefoot on the earth, you're, you know, your blood is moving through the body. So once a minute it's gonna be grounded. I mean, it's gonna be in that area. But again, what the first thing that happens is you increase. The negative charge on red blood cells by about 300%. There is a peer reviewed, published study on the earthing that shows that explains all of this. It was done by Dr. Sinatra and, uh, cardiologists and, and a handful of other docs. And, um, so anyhow, the first thing that happens is the red blood cells absorb the free electrons from the earth. And [01:27:00] you increase the negative surface so there's more electrons on the surface of the red blood cell. Now, anytime you take two things that are negative and you push 'em together, they will repel each other. They can't stick together. If you don't have enough electrons, then they're gonna share electrons stick together. And that's what makes blood thick and sticky. Mm-hmm. So as soon as you get grounded within 15 minutes, and I, I always tell the women this, I said, I really should be selling this as a beauty products cuz you are going to look 10 years younger. In 15 to 20 minutes. Mm-hmm. Because what happens when you, when you normalize the blood viscosity, now the blood is thin like wine, and it can go in and out of the capillaries to oxygenate the tissues, and you start turning pink. Mm-hmm. And, and your demeanor changes because you're no longer mad and stressed or in pain or whatever. And you become, you start to get happy because you feel better. And, uh, So, but anyhow, [01:28:00] the number one thing that grounding does is it normalizes blood viscosity. Like the animals, your blood is thin like wine, like red wine rather than sticky, but like ketchup. So most of these inflammation related health disorders are because the blood is thick and sticky, can't, the blood cells can't get in and out of the capillary sufficient to oxygenate the tissue. And then the inflammation builds up. It's like you mentioned, uh, something earlier about you felt, you know, uh, congestion or whatever, uh, when you got grounded or what that was, is as soon as you normalize your blood viscosity, then the, uh, oxygen, you can increase the oxygen in the, in the tissue. And, and then the spear Keats and some of the. Little critters that live in the end of your, you know, in the end of the capillaries, uh, now the blood can [01:29:00] get in there and oxygenate the tissue and kill them, so you have a die off. Okay? Uh, like, it's like you have a flu or a cold or whatever. You, you eventually have a die off and you feel that horrible, uh, for a day or two or three, but that all disappears and goes away. So, but you do have, but that's just the immune system. Creating a die off and normalizing your health. And so, and a lot of people, they feel that little tingling area come up. You'll only feel that tingling until you equalize with the earth. As soon as you're, you have the same amount of electrons as the earth that goes away so that you're just charging up like a little battery. You're trickle charging and uh, yeah. But the most important thing that we discovered was that grounding normalizes. Blood viscosity. But if you are taking blood thinners, then you do have to. Clint Ober: [01:30:00] Make a decision in life, I'm gonna stay with the blood thinners because that way I can control it and just stay with it. But if you're gonna start grounding, then you need to go ahead and start grounding. But then as soon as you feel your, you know, the benefits of your normal blood thing, then you have to make a decision. Do I want to be grounded or do I want to be. Whatever, you can't mix the two. Mm-hmm. Um, but you need to know that. And, and the Earthing book, uh ha talks about all this. The Earthing Institute has papers on it. Plenty of information out there. Um, it's like they tell you when you, uh, you know, go on blood. You can't eat green. You can't eat green vegetable. I mean green. You, you can't eat spinach cuz it'll thin the blood too much. You can't eat good food because it'll thin [01:31:00] the blood too much. So it's similar, you know, you're eating electrons, whether you're getting 'em through the feet or whether you're eating them with vegetables or uh, you know, or salads or whatever. It's all related here, you know? Mm-hmm. So you have to make decisions. Do I want to give up my salads and take my blood thins? Do I want to get grounded or do I wanna take my blood? So it is, it is just the way it is. Some people, you may be trapped forever unless you can find a way. To balance this or do whatever, but, but again, this is nature. This is who we are, and we just accidentally disconnected and we've accidentally, now our bodies are on fire and now we're running around looking for every solution in the world to fix it. There's only one solution. It's nature. Mm-hmm. No, James A.: absolutely. I think it, uh, it's really important to mention the die off because, uh, I could imagine that some people that are introduced to this, if they [01:32:00] experience something and they feel horrible right away, then no, no, no, no. I don't wanna touch that, that that's bad. So, yeah. Mm-hmm. I would say just stick with it. Trust that your body and Mother Nature has some type of. Logic to it that is probably a lot smarter than we are. And, uh, you may get to that crossroads and you're gonna have to decide, yeah, you want health and freedom, or do you wanna kind of just being strung along and never really have answers to any of your health issues. Clint Ober: Yeah. You know, just in closing on this, the, the number one issue here is the, it's about the immune system. When you are ungrounded, your immune system is no longer, no, no, is no longer able to function as normal because now when it has an oxidative burst, those free radicals create inflammation. When you're grounded, that does not occur. So the problem is that if [01:33:00] you go ungrounded for too long, then this information builds. And then your immune system spends all of its time fighting the inflammation, trying to repair the problems that it itself is creating. Because it is no longer grounded, it doesn't know, it's no longer grounded. Mm-hmm. And so it's, this is about the immune system. You, if you, if you take care of your immune system, you're gonna have health. You cannot not have health. Mm-hmm. You see it in nature everywhere. Yeah. It's, James A.: your body's screaming at you that something's wrong. We just, yeah. We want answers. Yeah. We get them from the wrong places instead of going in and actually listening. Pausing. Yeah. Um, actually, I, I lied if you have time. I, I wanna ask about hypothyroidism because I know that that was mentioned also towards the end of the book and that would, uh, potentially be an issue if people were taking hypothyroid medication and then they started grounding themselves, they may actually become [01:34:00] hyper. Clint Ober: Thyroid. Yeah, they, it, it's, but they, people who are on thyroid meds, they kind of know, you know, they have to be careful. Uh, but they know when it changes. But, you know, the, the first thing, we were at University of California Irvine, I believe, and we were doing some studies in the, in the basement there. And, uh, one of the. Gals who was uh, working for one of the researchers. She came in after a couple of weeks because we had given her some ground and stuff. And she says, you know, if she says, could this be affecting my thyroid? And I said, I don't really know. And so we started monitoring her and then we realized that her thyroid normalized in a matter of weeks. And so she had to start reducing the thyroid meds. Uh, so it's, uh, [01:35:00] yeah, you have, I mean, if you're, if you're on drugs or there to mimic or to, you know, try to, uh, do something similar to what the body's doing because the body's not functioning properly. So they add something to the body, take something away from the body in order to compensate to, uh, to, you know, to, um, Normalize, stabilize the body. And so, yeah, it's not just thyroid, it's not just blood thins, it's everything. You know your body. It's like, I, I, I tell this story all the time when I was, when I was young, uh, I remember because my uncle used to own the, the, um, the. Veterinary supply, wholesale supply of Montana and, and, um, The drug salesman would come around, or the people who sold vitamins and they were always trying to get the [01:36:00] veterinary supply houses to start selling supplements to the farmers or, you know, for the cattle and for whatever. And the problem was he, and he and I heard him say it, I didn't understand it. He said, well, we don't dare feed them to the cows cuz we're gonna make the cows sick. They're gonna have diarrhea, they're gonna have all this kind of stuff and then we have to, but they're trying to create an industry for the vets, you know, but, but the body can synthesize so many of the vitamins in so many of the nutrients that it needs all by itself. Some it can vitamin C, it can so on. So if what you need is just a good. Well-rounded diet and, and then if you want to buff up and do things, you know, proteins and whatever and whatever. But still, you always have to know. That your body got here from millions, hundreds of millions of years your body got here. How did he get here? Without any of those things. Cuz all these modern things [01:37:00] only came along in the last few years and uh, you know, it's not that anything is bad and all that, it's just look at nature first start there. Eat fresh food. Eat raw food when you can, uh, eat what nature give you and the way it give it to you, because that's where your nutrient, your nutrition is. You know, you don't need 3000 calories a day. You need x amount of nutrition a day. You need, there's, but you need to look at it because we're eating dead food. Not enough electrons, huh? And body, body wants electrons James A.: . So body wants electrons by cooking food, then are we getting less electrons? You mentioned? Clint Ober: Yeah. If you, if you take a live piece of food, it's fresher. [01:38:00] It's fresh, and so, and it tastes good and it's full of energy. And when I say electron, I'm talking about energy. Energy is, it's got an e ener energy. It's electrons. Okay? So what you're eating? Energy. So you want to eat as healthy a food as you can. And the most healthy food is live food or food that is not damaged anymore than it has to be in cooking. You, you have to eat cook food because of the way we live today and the way we get our food. But, um, Yeah, just pay attention. Live food is what is where, that's life. Mm-hmm. Um, I, I don't know how to say that. I don't want, I, I take some supplements. I do this, I do that. I take protein, I do whatever, um, because I can't do it with my normal diet because I travel or I do this or whatever. But given the opportunity, I want some fresh food. I want [01:39:00] some fresh berries. I want some fresh fruit. That's where my energy comes from. James A.: That makes sense. I think you just open up like Pandora's box in my mind. I don't know if you saw it over the camera, but I'm just like, hold up. This makes a lot of sense right now. Clint Ober: So yeah, it's all about electrons, whether it's the earth, the sun, uh, or our food. It's all electrons. It's a big circle. It's a big cycle. James A.: Nice. Awesome. Well, Clint, I wanna thank you so, so much for your time and uh, you mentioned getting out in nature. And just sitting. Yeah. And uh, I can fully agree with that because I've gone on my solo road trips where I kind of needed to find myself. I've gone out on these long trails just solo. And by the way, when I sleep somewhere, I did take a grounding map because I knew how big of a difference it would make if I was sprinting out on these hills. I need some recovery. I take that thing everywhere. I do not miss a single night. Um, right. [01:40:00] Get out in nature. That's really what I believe that we need to get back to, back to human nature, back to who we were before, what we always had. And, uh, would you offer just one more piece of advice for anyone, because I really like that you kind of went the minimalist route and how you got rid of all of. Yeah, pieces and things that really didn't seem to suit you anymore because when I sat out in nature on these trails, that's really when I felt rich. It's like an inherited wealth. I don't need any of these material possessions. No. What makes me happy is just being, Clint Ober: yeah, there's um, There's, I I, I'm short on words sometimes when it comes to trying to explain certain type things, but when you're in nature, you're a part of something, uh, infinitely large. It's big, it's powerful, but it's, but it's, there's honesty, there's [00:11:00] truth, there's simplicity, there's love. I mean, there's things there that, um, as soon as you get on grounded, then you lose that connection. And you're, and you're just overstimulated and all these things, and you lost, but for some reason, I mean, you touched the earth. Just, uh, there's a consciousness there. There's a, there's a truth there. There's a power that, uh, is. It. It just is and it's who we are. It's, we are a part of that, and it is a part of us and we just have to reconnect with it. And you don't have to think about it. You just have to experience it. Mm-hmm. It's powerful. James A.: Love it, man. Nailed. I completely agree. Yeah. [01:42:00] So where can people find you in your products? Because I will leave all of this in the show notes, Clint. Clint Ober: The Earthing Institute net is where all of the, uh, research studies are. Uh, there's hundreds of posted papers there now. You can find anything. And if you have any questions or unique or specific things you can write and we always answer them. Uh, is a company that produces the sleep mats, the desk mats, and the patch kits, and just the, the, uh, The products and, um, uh, they, we try to keep the prices as low as we can, but I guarantee you they're the best quality products on the market and I think by and large, they're the most affordable products on the market. So, but anyhow, [01:43:00] and I'm everywhere. You can find me on. Anything, you know, ask me a question. I always show up. James A.: Awesome. Well, again, thank you so much for your time, brother. I love what you're doing. Uh, all right. Well, feel like you're truly living out your purpose right now. Clint Ober: Uh, and, and I thank you for having me on your show, being able to share with your audience. Of course. Hopefully, Hopefully they go home, take their shoes off and experience this well, if James A.: they've been following me for long enough, then they know exactly how I feel about that. I'm very adamant about it, so Clint Ober: yeah. Cool. Very good. James A.: And, uh, off the record, I'm not gonna put this in the podcast, but, uh, are you affiliated with Ultimate Longevity by any chance? Or is it just Because I, I was a little bit confused. I thought Ultimate Longevity was part of your products too. Clint Ober: Uh, [01:44:00] all of the ultimate longevity, as far as I know, are products that we sell to them. Okay. Private la private label to them. Um, I let them do that because they. Do a pretty, pretty good business. Uh, and, and again, it's not, uh, is who I who. It's the money from that makes Earthing available to the institute and to the world. So I promote and support But anybody else, we have distributors almost in every country, uh, and they're all growing and Earthing is just growing. It's just. I mean, it's, it's unbelievable how fast it's growing in the last two years, three years. Mm-hmm. And, and, um, and it's just, but yeah, there's ultimate longevity is they're the same products. I [01:45:00] don't know anything about their prices., James A.: Okay. No, I just wanted some clarity on there and I'm gonna forward everyone towards now that I actually am Yeah. Confident. Because I see your, you're like a about page kind of everywhere, like Clint Ober: you said. Yeah. Cool. Yeah. Yeah. And, and we have a lot of affiliates, people who, um, promote the product, not necessarily promote the product, but need access and they educate people. So, uh, if even yourself, if you're interested, you can get a 20% commission off the products. Uh, you don't have to handle 'em, you don't have to ship 'em, you don't have to inventory. It's just referrals. And, uh, the yoga studios and, you know, gyms, lots of people do that because takes time to go teach people and your time is all you got, you know? And, uh, but anyhow, that's a good way. You can't make, it's hard to make 20% [01:46:00] profit on anything anyway, if you have to handle it. So it's a really, a better way for everybody. James A.: No, I I will definitely take you up on that offer. I'll follow through. Yeah. I just wanted to make sure, and I would definitely like to support you because you're, you're the one that can into all this, Clint Ober: so Yeah, you bet. Appreciate that. Awesome. James A.: Thank you, Clint. God bless, brother. Clint Ober: Same to you. God bless. Talk to you later. Have a great night. Keep me posted. I will.