Are Your Thoughts Lying to You? A Talk About Brain Health & Brain Training ft. Bethany Padgett

Welcome to the 24th episode of the Back to Human podcast. 

On today’s episode, I had the pleasure to interview returning guest Bethany Padgett. Bethany is a Doctor of Naturopathy. holds a Ph.D in Natural Health and Nutrition, an M.S. in Holistic Nutrition. is a functional blood chemistry analyst, a ZYTO specialist and is also a licensed brain trainer. On our last discussion together, “Buyer’s Remorse” we discussed her experience with inoculations with her children and also the more recent C19 jab.

On this episode we dive into brain training. Some of the topics discussed on this episode include:

• What causes our brains to not work optimally?

• How concussions or previous physical trauma can affect you years after the incident

• How having your brain scanned or assessed can be an enlightening, validating experience

• The 4 major parts of the brain (prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate gyrus, basal ganglia, limbic system) and how damage to these areas can be expressed through certain behaviors

• Methods to overcome damage to these areas

• The four circles (Biological, Psychological, Social, Spiritual)

• Is a diagnosis a life sentence?

• How nutrition plays a role in brain health

• Killing ANTS (automatic negative thoughts)

If you are interested in brain training or having your brain scanned you can contact Bethany via text/call @ (352) 449-8421 or email her @

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• Change Your Brain Change Your Life by Dr. Daniel Amen

Thank you for listening to the show!
